Earlobe Rejuvenation
As we get older we lose a great deal of the elasticity and collagen in our skin. This subsequently causes skin to hang loosely, as that healthy, firm look gradually disappears. This can be a tell tale sign of ageing!
Make an appointmentAbout the Treatment
Dermal fillers injected into otherwise thin, wrinkly or drooping earlobes are giving women a whole new perspective on their ears. Your earlobes don’t have to reveal your age. They can be firm as well as show off that latest pair of hot new earrings in the most fabulous way possible. This is where dermal fillers come into play.
The lobe is injected in several areas to increase volume, plumpness and reduce the look of wrinkles. The results are immediate and stunning! The effects can last from six months to two years, with most patients coming in for a touchup after about a year.

Before and Afters

Earlobe Rejuvenation
A simple treatment to reduce signs of ageing! Whats not to love!
What's Included
Inital consultion
Immediate results
No down time
Two week post check up